Harvard Business Review Atlantic Monthly Diversity Inclusion Corporate America

Thought in Cursory

The Problem

To reduce bias and increase diversity, organizations are relying on the same programs they've been using since the 1960s. Some of these efforts brand matters worse, not better.

The Reason

Most diversity programs focus on decision-making managers' behavior, and as studies show, that approach tends to activate bias rather than quash it. People rebel against rules that threaten their autonomy.

The Solution

Instead of trying to law managers' decisions, the near effective programs appoint people in working for variety, increase their contact with women and minorities, and tap into their desire to look good to others.

Businesses started caring a lot more most diversity later on a serial of high-contour lawsuits rocked the financial industry. In the belatedly 1990s and early 2000s, Morgan Stanley shelled out $54 million—and Smith Barney and Merrill Lynch more than $100 1000000 each—to settle sexual activity discrimination claims. In 2007, Morgan was dorsum at the tabular array, facing a new course activeness, which cost the company $46 1000000. In 2013, Banking concern of America Merrill Lynch settled a race discrimination suit for $160 million. Cases like these brought Merrill's total xv-year payout to nearly half a billion dollars.

It's no wonder that Wall Street firms at present require new hires to sign mediation contracts like-minded not to join grade actions. They take also expanded training and other diversity programs. Only on residual, equality isn't improving in fiscal services or elsewhere. Although the proportion of managers at U.S. commercial banks who were Hispanic rose from 4.7% in 2003 to v.7% in 2014, white women'southward representation dropped from 39% to 35%, and black men's from two.5% to 2.3%. The numbers were even worse in investment banks (though that industry is shrinking, which complicates the analysis). Among all U.Due south. companies with 100 or more employees, the proportion of blackness men in management increased just slightly—from 3% to 3.3%—from 1985 to 2014. White women saw bigger gains from 1985 to 2000—rising from 22% to 29% of managers—only their numbers haven't budged since then. Even in Silicon Valley, where many leaders tout the demand to increment diversity for both business organisation and social justice reasons, bread-and-butter tech jobs remain dominated past white men.

Further Reading

  • Hacking Tech's Diversity Problem

    Diversity Magazine Commodity

    To bring more than women into the sector, companies should try a lean start-upward approach.

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It shouldn't be surprising that most diversity programs aren't increasing diversity. Despite a few new bells and whistles, courtesy of large data, companies are basically doubling downward on the same approaches they've used since the 1960s—which frequently make things worse, not better. Firms have long relied on diverseness training to reduce bias on the job, hiring tests and performance ratings to limit it in recruitment and promotions, and grievance systems to give employees a way to claiming managers. Those tools are designed to preempt lawsuits by policing managers' thoughts and deportment. Yet laboratory studies show that this kind of forcefulness-feeding can activate bias rather than stamp information technology out. Every bit social scientists accept establish, people oftentimes insubordinate against rules to assert their autonomy. Try to coerce me to do X, Y, or Z, and I'll practise the opposite just to prove that I'm my own person.

In analyzing iii decades' worth of information from more than than 800 U.S. firms and interviewing hundreds of line managers and executives at length, we've seen that companies get better results when they ease up on the command tactics. It'southward more than constructive to engage managers in solving the problem, increase their on-the-task contact with female and minority workers, and promote social accountability—the desire to look off-white-minded. That's why interventions such every bit targeted higher recruitment, mentoring programs, self-managed teams, and job forces accept additional diversity in businesses. Some of the near constructive solutions aren't even designed with diversity in mind.

Hither, we dig into the data, the interviews, and company examples to shed light on what doesn't work and what does.

Why Yous Can't Simply Outlaw Bias

Executives favor a classic control-and-control approach to diverseness considering information technology boils expected behaviors downwards to dos and don'ts that are piece of cake to empathize and defend. Yet this approach too flies in the confront of well-nigh everything we know virtually how to motivate people to brand changes. Decades of social science inquiry point to a uncomplicated truth: Yous won't become managers on board by blaming and shaming them with rules and reeducation. Let'due south look at how the most common acme-downwards efforts typically go wrong.

Diversity training.

Do people who undergo training unremarkably shed their biases? Researchers have been examining that question since before World War II, in near a k studies. It turns out that while people are easily taught to respond correctly to a questionnaire about bias, they soon forget the correct answers. The positive furnishings of diversity training rarely final beyond a day or 2, and a number of studies suggest that information technology can activate bias or spark a backlash. Nonetheless, almost half of midsize companies use information technology, as practice nearly all the Fortune 500.

Many firms see agin effects. 1 reason is that three-quarters use negative letters in their training. By headlining the legal example for diversity and trotting out stories of huge settlements, they issue an unsaid threat: "Discriminate, and the company will pay the price." We sympathize the temptation—that'due south how we got your attention in the first paragraph—but threats, or "negative incentives," don't win converts.

Some other reason is that well-nigh iii-quarters of firms with training still follow the dated advice of the late diversity guru R. Roosevelt Thomas Jr. "If variety management is strategic to the organization," he used to say, multifariousness preparation must be mandatory, and management has to make it clear that "if you can't deal with that, then we have to ask you to leave." Only 5 years after instituting required training for managers, companies saw no improvement in the proportion of white women, black men, and Hispanics in management, and the share of black women actually decreased by ix%, on average, while the ranks of Asian-American men and women shrank by iv% to 5%. Trainers tell u.s.a. that people often respond to compulsory courses with anger and resistance—and many participants actually report more antagonism toward other groups afterward.

Just voluntary training evokes the opposite response ("I chose to show up, so I must be pro-diversity"), leading to better results: increases of 9% to 13% in black men, Hispanic men, and Asian-American men and women in direction five years out (with no decline in white or black women). Research from the University of Toronto reinforces our findings: In one report white subjects read a brochure critiquing prejudice toward blacks. When people felt pressure to agree with it, the reading strengthened their bias confronting blacks. When they felt the choice was theirs, the reading reduced bias.

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Companies likewise oft point that training is remedial. The diverseness managing director at a national beverage company told us that the top brass uses it to bargain with problem groups. "If in that location are a number of complaints…or, God foreclose, some blazon of harassment instance…leaders say, 'Everyone in the business organization unit will get through it over again.'" Nigh companies with grooming have special programs for managers. To exist sure, they're a high-chance group because they make the hiring, promotion, and pay decisions. Simply singling them out implies that they're the worst culprits. Managers tend to resent that implication and resist the bulletin.

Hiring tests.

Some xl% of companies now try to fight bias with mandatory hiring tests assessing the skills of candidates for frontline jobs. But managers don't similar being told that they can't hire whomever they please, and our research suggests that they frequently employ the tests selectively. Back in the 1950s, post-obit the postwar migration of blacks northward, Swift & Company, Chicago meatpackers, instituted tests for supervisor and quality-checking jobs. One study establish managers telling blacks that they had failed the test and and then promoting whites who hadn't been tested. A black car operator reported: "I had 4 years at Englewood High Schoolhouse. I took an exam for a checker'southward job. The foreman told me I failed" and gave the job to a white man who "didn't have the exam."

This kind of thing still happens. When nosotros interviewed the new HR director at a Due west Coast food visitor, he said he found that white managers were making only strangers—nigh of them minorities—take supervisor tests and hiring white friends without testing them. "If you are going to examination 1 person for this particular task title," he told u.s., "yous demand to test everybody."

Only fifty-fifty managers who exam everyone applying for a position may ignore the results. Investment banks and consulting firms build tests into their job interviews, asking people to solve math and scenario-based problems on the spot. While studying this exercise, Kellogg professor Lauren Rivera played a wing on the wall during hiring meetings at i firm. She found that the team paid piddling attention when white men blew the math test but close attention when women and blacks did. Because determination makers (deliberately or not) cherry-picked results, the testing amplified bias rather than quashed information technology.

Managers made only strangers—most of them minorities—have tests and hired white friends without testing them.

Companies that institute written job tests for managers—virtually ten% have them today—see decreases of four% to 10% in the share of managerial jobs held by white women, African-American men and women, Hispanic men and women, and Asian-American women over the next v years. There are significant declines among white and Asian-American women—groups with high levels of instruction, which typically score well on standard managerial tests. And then group differences in test-taking skills don't explain the pattern.

Performance ratings.

More 90% of midsize and large companies apply annual performance ratings to ensure that managers make off-white pay and promotion decisions. Identifying and rewarding the all-time workers isn't the only goal—the ratings as well provide a litigation shield. Companies sued for bigotry often merits that their performance rating systems prevent biased treatment.

Simply studies prove that raters tend to lowball women and minorities in performance reviews. And some managers requite anybody high marks to avoid hassles with employees or to keep their options open when handing out promotions. However managers work effectually functioning systems, the lesser line is that ratings don't boost diversity. When companies introduce them, in that location'south no effect on minority managers over the next v years, and the share of white women in management drops by 4%, on average.

Grievance procedures.

This last tactic is meant to identify and rehabilitate biased managers. About one-half of midsize and big firms take systems through which employees can challenge pay, promotion, and termination decisions. But many managers—rather than alter their own beliefs or accost bigotry by others—endeavor to get even with or belittle employees who complain. Among the most 90,000 discrimination complaints made to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in 2015, 45% included a accuse of retaliation—which suggests that the original report was met with ridicule, demotion, or worse.

Further Reading

  • Diversity equally Strategy

    Human resource management Magazine Article

    IBM expanded minority markets dramatically by promoting diversity in its own workforce. The result: a virtuous circle of growth and progress.

    • Relieve

Once people meet that a grievance organization isn't warding off bad beliefs in their organization, they may become less likely to speak up. Indeed, employee surveys testify that near people don't report discrimination. This leads to another unintended consequence: Managers who receive few complaints conclude that their firms don't have a problem. We see this a lot in our interviews. When nosotros talked with the vice president of 60 minutes at an electronics firm, she mentioned the widely publicized "difficulties other corporations are having" and added, "We have not had any of those problems…we have gone almost 4 years without any kind of bigotry complaint!" What's more than, lab studies show that protective measures like grievance systems lead people to drop their guard and permit bias affect their decisions, because they remember company policies will guarantee fairness.

Things don't get better when firms put in formal grievance systems; they become worse. Our quantitative analyses testify that the managerial ranks of white women and all minority groups except Hispanic men decline—by three% to 11%—in the five years afterwards companies adopt them.

Still, most employers feel they need some sort of system to intercept complaints, if only because judges like them. One strategy that is gaining basis is the "flexible" complaint system, which offers not only a formal hearing process but too breezy arbitration. Since an informal resolution doesn't involve hauling the manager before a disciplinary body, it may reduce retaliation. Every bit we'll show, making managers feel accountable without subjecting them to public rebuke tends to help.

Tools for Getting Managers on Board

If these pop solutions backfire, and so what can employers practise instead to promote variety?

A number of companies have gotten consistently positive results with tactics that don't focus on control. They utilize 3 basic principles: appoint managers in solving the problem, betrayal them to people from different groups, and encourage social accountability for change.


When someone's beliefs and beliefs are out of sync, that person experiences what psychologists call "cognitive dissonance." Experiments evidence that people have a strong tendency to "correct" dissonance by changing either the beliefs or the behavior. And then, if you prompt them to act in means that support a item view, their opinions shift toward that view. Inquire them to write an essay defending the capital punishment, and even the penalty'south staunch opponents will come to see some claim. When managers actively help boost diversity in their companies, something similar happens: They begin to think of themselves as variety champions.

Take college recruitment programs targeting women and minorities. Our interviews suggest that managers willingly participate when invited. That'southward partly considering the bulletin is positive: "Help us discover a greater diverseness of promising employees!" And involvement is voluntary: Executives sometimes single out managers they think would be good recruiters, merely they don't elevate anyone forth at gunpoint.

Managers who brand college visits say they take their accuse seriously. They are determined to come up back with strong candidates from underrepresented groups—female engineers, for case, or African-American direction trainees. Cognitive dissonance shortly kicks in—and managers who were wishy-washy about diversity become converts.

The effects are striking. 5 years afterwards a company implements a higher recruitment plan targeting female employees, the share of white women, black women, Hispanic women, and Asian-American women in its management rises by near 10%, on average. A plan focused on minority recruitment increases the proportion of blackness male managers by 8% and black female person managers by 9%.

Mentoring is another fashion to engage managers and chip abroad at their biases. In teaching their protégés the ropes and sponsoring them for key training and assignments, mentors help give their charges the breaks they need to develop and advance. The mentors then come to believe that their protégés merit these opportunities—whether they're white men, women, or minorities. That is cognitive dissonance—"Anyone I sponsor must exist deserving"—at work again.

While white men tend to find mentors on their own, women and minorities more often need help from formal programs. 1 reason, as Georgetown's business organization school dean David Thomas discovered in his enquiry on mentoring, is that white male executives don't feel comfortable reaching out informally to young women and minority men. Nonetheless they are eager to mentor assigned protégés, and women and minorities are often first to sign up for mentors.

Mentoring programs brand companies' managerial echelons significantly more diverse: On boilerplate they heave the representation of blackness, Hispanic, and Asian-American women, and Hispanic and Asian-American men, past nine% to 24%. In industries where plenty of higher-educated nonmanagers are eligible to move up, similar chemicals and electronics, mentoring programs likewise increment the ranks of white women and blackness men by ten% or more.

Only virtually 15% of firms take special college recruitment programs for women and minorities, and only 10% have mentoring programs. Once organizations try them out, though, the upside becomes clear. Consider how these programs helped Coca-Cola in the wake of a race discrimination conform settled in 2000 for a tape $193 million. With guidance from a court-appointed external chore forcefulness, executives in the Northward America group got involved in recruitment and mentoring initiatives for professionals and eye managers, working specifically toward measurable goals for minorities. Fifty-fifty top leaders helped to recruit and mentor, and talent-sourcing partners were required to broaden their recruitment efforts. Subsequently five years, according to erstwhile CEO and chairman Neville Isdell, 80% of all mentees had climbed at least one rung in management. Both individual and grouping mentoring were open to all races but attracted large numbers of African-Americans (who deemed for 36% of protégés). These changes brought important gains. From 2000 to 2006, African-Americans' representation among salaried employees grew from nineteen.7% to 23%, and Hispanics' from v.5% to 6.iv%. And while African-Americans and Hispanics respectively made upwardly 12% and 4.9% of professionals and middle managers in 2002, but four years later those figures had risen to 15.5% and 5.ix%.

This began a virtuous cycle. Today, Coke looks similar a unlike company. This February, Atlanta Tribune magazine profiled 17 African-American women in VP roles and above at Coke, including CFO Kathy Waller.


Testify that contact betwixt groups can lessen bias starting time came to light in an unplanned experiment on the European front during Earth War II. The U.S. army was still segregated, and only whites served in combat roles. High casualties left General Dwight Eisenhower understaffed, and he asked for blackness volunteers for combat duty. When Harvard sociologist Samuel Stouffer, on exit at the War Department, surveyed troops on their racial attitudes, he constitute that whites whose companies had been joined by black platoons showed dramatically lower racial animus and greater willingness to work alongside blacks than those whose companies remained segregated. Stouffer ended that whites fighting alongside blacks came to see them equally soldiers like themselves first and foremost. The primal, for Stouffer, was that whites and blacks had to be working toward a common goal as equals—hundreds of years of close contact during and afterwards slavery hadn't dampened bias.

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Business concern practices that generate this kind of contact across groups yield similar results. Take self-managed teams, which permit people in unlike roles and functions to work together on projects equally equals. Such teams increase contact among diverse types of people, because specialties inside firms are even so largely divided along racial, ethnic, and gender lines. For example, women are more likely than men to work in sales, whereas white men are more likely to be in tech jobs and management, and black and Hispanic men are more than likely to be in product.

As in Stouffer's combat written report, working side-by-side breaks down stereotypes, which leads to more equitable hiring and promotion. At firms that create self-managed work teams, the share of white women, black men and women, and Asian-American women in management rises by 3% to 6% over five years.

Rotating management trainees through departments is another way to increment contact. Typically, this kind of cross-training allows people to try their hand at diverse jobs and deepen their understanding of the whole organization. But it also has a positive bear upon on diversity, considering it exposes both section heads and trainees to a wider variety of people. The result, nosotros've seen, is a bump of iii% to 7% in white women, black men and women, and Asian-American men and women in management.

Well-nigh a third of U.S. firms have self-managed teams for core operations, and almost four-fifths use cantankerous-preparation, then these tools are already available in many organizations. Though college recruitment and mentoring have a bigger bear upon on diversity—perhaps because they activate engagement in the multifariousness mission and create intergroup contact—equally helps. Cocky-managed teams and cross-preparation have had more positive furnishings than mandatory diversity training, functioning evaluations, job testing, or grievance procedures, which are supposed to promote diversity.

Social accountability.

The third tactic, encouraging social accountability, plays on our demand to look good in the eyes of those around united states. Information technology is nicely illustrated by an experiment conducted in Israel. Teachers in grooming graded identical compositions attributed to Jewish students with Ashkenazic names (European heritage) or with Sephardic names (African or Asian heritage). Sephardic students typically come up from poorer families and practise worse in school. On average, the teacher trainees gave the Ashkenazic essays Bs and the Sephardic essays Ds. The difference evaporated, however, when trainees were told that they would talk over their grades with peers. The thought that they might take to explain their decisions led them to judge the work by its quality.

In the workplace you'll see a similar event. Consider this field study conducted by Emilio Castilla of MIT'southward Sloan Schoolhouse of Management: A house found it consistently gave African-Americans smaller raises than whites, fifty-fifty when they had identical task titles and operation ratings. And then Castilla suggested transparency to activate social accountability. The house posted each unit'southward average performance rating and pay raise by race and gender. In one case managers realized that employees, peers, and superiors would know which parts of the company favored whites, the gap in raises all but disappeared.

Corporate variety chore forces help promote social accountability. CEOs ordinarily get together these teams, inviting section heads to volunteer and including members of underrepresented groups. Every quarter or 2, task forces expect at multifariousness numbers for the whole company, for business units, and for departments to figure out what needs attention.

After investigating where the problems are—recruitment, career bottlenecks, and so on—task force members come up with solutions, which they then have back to their departments. They notice if their colleagues aren't volunteering to mentor or showing up at recruitment events. Accountability theory suggests that having a chore force member in a section will crusade managers in information technology to ask themselves, "Will this wait correct?" when making hiring and promotion decisions.

Deloitte has seen how powerful social accountability tin be. In 1992, Mike Cook, who was then the CEO, decided to try to stanch the hemorrhaging of female associates. One-half the company's hires were women, but most all of them left before they were anywhere near making partner. As Douglas McCracken, CEO of Deloitte's consulting unit at the time, afterwards recounted in HBR, Cook assembled a high-profile job force that "didn't immediately launch a slew of new organizational policies aimed at outlawing bad beliefs" but, rather, relied on transparency to get results.

The job force got each office to monitor the career progress of its women and fix its own goals to address local problems. When it became clear that the CEO and other managing partners were closely watching, McCracken wrote, "women started getting their share of premier client assignments and informal mentoring." And unit heads all over the country began getting questions from partners and associates nearly why things weren't changing faster. An external advisory council issued annual progress reports, and individual managers chose change metrics to add to their ain performance ratings. In eight years turnover amidst women dropped to the aforementioned level as turnover amid men, and the proportion of female person partners increased from 5% to 14%—the highest percentage among the big accounting firms. By 2015, 21% of Deloitte's global partners were women, and in March of that year, Deloitte LLP appointed Cathy Engelbert as its CEO—making her the commencement woman to head a major accountancy.

Chore forces are the trifecta of diversity programs. In addition to promoting accountability, they engage members who might have previously been cool to diversity projects and increase contact amongst the women, minorities, and white men who participate. They pay off, too: On boilerplate, companies that put in diverseness job forces see nine% to 30% increases in the representation of white women and of each minority grouping in management over the next v years.

Once it was articulate that top managers were watching, women started to get more premier assignments.

Diversity managers, too, boost inclusion by creating social accountability. To see why, allow'southward go back to the finding of the teacher-in-training experiment, which is supported by many studies: When people know they might have to explain their decisions, they are less likely to act on bias. And so simply having a diversity director who could ask them questions prompts managers to step dorsum and consider everyone who is qualified instead of hiring or promoting the showtime people who come to mind. Companies that appoint diversity managers see 7% to xviii% increases in all underrepresented groups—except Hispanic men—in management in the following five years. Those are the gains subsequently accounting for both effective and ineffective programs they put in place.

Only 20% of medium and large employers have task forces, and but 10% have diversity managers, despite the benefits of both. Diverseness managers cost money, but task forces utilize existing workers, and then they're a lot cheaper than some of the things that fail, such as mandatory preparation.

Leading companies like Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Facebook, and Google have placed big bets on accountability in the past couple of years. Expanding on Deloitte's early on example, they're now posting complete diversity numbers for all to meet. We should know in a few years if that moves the needle for them.

Strategies for controlling bias—which drive most diversity efforts—have failed spectacularly since they were introduced to promote equal opportunity. Black men have barely gained ground in corporate management since 1985. White women haven't progressed since 2000. It isn't that at that place aren't plenty educated women and minorities out there—both groups have fabricated huge educational gains over the past two generations. The problem is that nosotros can't motivate people by forcing them to go with the program and punishing them if they don't.

The numbers sum it upwardly. Your organization will become less diverse, non more than, if yous crave managers to go to diverseness training, endeavor to regulate their hiring and promotion decisions, and put in a legalistic grievance system.

The very expert news is that we know what does piece of work—nosotros just need to do more of it.

A version of this commodity appeared in the July–August 2016 issue (pp.52–60) of Harvard Business organization Review.


Source: https://hbr.org/2016/07/why-diversity-programs-fail

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